Marietta Painters
Our Marietta Painters: Each Painter Is Carefully Selected
If you plan on hiring Marietta painters to paint and repair your dwelling, you want an individual you can believe in, who stands by their word. You want somebody who is seasoned, an individual who has years in the business and can acquire superb painters for his painting crews. You need someone who will take the time to give attention to details.
You will find a number of firms within the north metro communities of Marietta who merely aren’t providing the top quality you would reasonably anticipate and therefore they charge considerably less for their painting and repair service. Their philosophy would be to paint and get out as quickly as possible leaving a lot of details undone. Initially it may possibly appear OK, but upon inspection you find it simply isn’t done properly. Many homeowners call us requesting an estimate for painting due to the fact they have to repaint their home after hiring one of these low quality Marietta painters.
Our Marietta Painters Are Trained To Avoid The Problems Below
When we send our estimators out to estimate painting these homes, here’s what they find.
- Failure to scraped and primed and prime peeling paint
- Failure to caulk a lot of areas of separation.
- Lapping of the siding paint caused primarily from inexperience users of the spray gun.
- Areas aren’t cover with paint on either trim or siding.
- Poorly performed repairs – needing to be done over.
- Low grade of paint used.
- Latex paint used over surfaces that cause latex to not stick well
- Paint on rooflines, or on shrubbery.
- Paint on windows that wasn’t scraped off.
- High areas of the house purposely overlooked.
- Painting over deteriorating substrate surfaces.
All of the above, and more I could mention, is the typical outcome noticed of low priced, low quality painting services. They basically don’t price adequate money in the job to maintain good quality painters. They do not allow enough man hours in the estimate to handle the time consuming details.
Most are usually not willing to return and deal with the points above once you discover them.
The truth is, painting is labor intensive. You can’t get around that. The details must be taken care of or you might be repainting way to early.
A low price on painting doesn’t mean you have a good deal. Chances are it is a raw deal.
Our Marietta painters deliver quality and yet provide superior quality
We value our reputation. We do deliver quality at a price that is still economical. Even though we advertise seasonal specials on our painting, we will never drop our price just to beat out their cut throat price. We will not sacrifice quality even if it means you will not accept our offer. Poor quality kills reputation and it does a disservice to you the customer. We pride ourselves as being quality Marietta painters. Why should we ever change from that.
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